The 8th Regional Pharmacy Faculty Development Workshop

Three themes facing pharmacy education:

  • Best Practices in Experiential Education and Preceptor Development
  • Competency-Based Assessment, Grading and Skills Assessment
  • Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacy Education and Use by Academic Staff
Workshop Day 1

10th January 2025

  • Venue
    Dubai Pharmacy College
  • Timings
Workshop Day 2

11th January 2025

  • Venue
    Dubai Pharmacy College
  • Timings

Organized By


Workshop Outline

Arrival and Registration
Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks
ACPE, CAA and DPCG Officials
Plenary Session 1: Creating an Effective Preceptor Development Program - Craig D. Cox

Description: Preceptor development is essential to the effective delivery of experiential education. Expansion of experiential training necessitates that pharmacy programs ensure that pharmacists serving as preceptors are adequately trained to serve in their role as educators. This session will address components of an effective preceptor development program which will include, but is not limited to, strategies for assessing preceptor needs, critical training topics, diversity of delivery methods, and implementation.

Session objectives:

  • Review self, peer, and student assessment strategies that could be used to identify preceptor development needs.
  • Describe a variety of models and delivery mediums that can be used to develop quality preceptor training programs.
  • Discuss Kirkpatrick’s model and its role in the ongoing assessment of preceptor development programs.
Coffee Break / Poster Displays*

* All schools attending the workshop are invited to display a poster related to steps the program has taken in one of the three content areas (preceptor development, competency-based assessment, or artificial intelligence) to advance pharmacy education at their institution. Please see the Call for Poster Abstracts for more information

Plenary Session 2: Best Practices in Competency-Based Assessment - Erika Kleppinger

Description: This session will provide an overview of competency-based assessment, focusing on the advantages and challenges. Best practices for implementation and strategies to minimize barriers will be discussed.

Session objectives:

  • Describe assessment strategies used for competency-based assessments.
  • Explore the advantages and challenges of implementing competency-based assessments.
  • Create a strategy for implementing competency-based assessments in a pharmacy program.
Plenary Session 3: Using AI in Pharmacy Education - Timothy Aungst

Description: This session will provide an introduction to artificial intelligence and its role in pharmacy. There will be a short presentation on the importance of AI and the relevance to pharmacy education, followed by a session covering basics of AI, and finally a presentation on prompt generation for generative AI searches with some time to apply information using some of the common generative AI tools available for free.

Session objectives:

  • Describe the foundational concepts of AI and its relevance to pharmacy education.
  • Explore the practical applications of AI-powered tools and technologies for pharmacy educators
  • Investigate how AI can enhance student learning experiences and outcomes.
Coffee Break / Poster Displays (Micro-Presentations*)

*Micro-presentations are 5 minute presentations of main points of poster

Team Time 1

Teams discuss and develop action plans for implementation of initiatives at their institution related to:

  1. 1) Incorporating AI.
  2. 2) Creating a Preceptor Development Program.
  3. 3) Developing Competency-based Assessments.
Regional Mini-Presentation* 1

*All schools attending the workshop are invited to submit a proposal (abstract) for a 20-minute presentation (and 10 minutes of Q&A) about the use of AI, preceptor development, competency based assessment to advance pharmacy education. Three abstracts will be selected by the members of the Organizing Committee for presentation at the workshop; more details to follow. Please see the Abstracts / Oral Presentation for more information.

Day’s Wrap-Up and Questions
Plenary Session 4: Best Practices for Ensuring Quality in Experiential Education - Craig D. Cox

Description: This session will provide an overview of best practices for ensuring quality in experiential education. The session will focus on multiple stakeholder groups including experiential administrative teams, students, practice sites, and preceptors. Best practices for development and implementation of a quality assurance program will be discussed, along with strategies to minimize potential barriers.

Session objectives:

  • Outline strategies to help ensure recruitment of quality preceptors and sites.
  • Identify the types of data that could be collected for administrative teams, students, practice sites, and preceptors as part of an experiential quality assurance program.
  • Discuss strategies to assess the quality of individual rotation students, practice sites, and preceptors, but also overall rotation experiences based on course type and/or location.
Coffee Break / Poster Displays (Micro-Presentations*)

* All schools attending the workshop are invited to display a poster related to steps the program has taken in one of the three content areas (preceptor development, competency based assessment, or artificial intelligence) to advance pharmacy education at their institution.

Regional Mini-Presentation* 2 and 3

* All schools attending the workshop are invited to submit a proposal (abstract) for a 20-minute presentation (and 10 minutes of Q&A) about the use of AI, preceptor development, competency-based assessment to advance pharmacy education. Three abstracts will be selected by the members of the Organizing Committee for presentation at the workshop.

Lunch and Prayer
Plenary Session 5: Competency-Based Grading, Skills Assessment and Remediation - Erika Kleppinger

Description: This session will discuss using competency-based assessments in skills laboratory courses and for evaluation of experiential readiness skills. Benchmark assessments and remediation techniques related to competency-based assessments will also be discussed.

Session objectives:

  • Illustrate how competency-based assessments can be incorporated into skills laboratory courses.
  • Explain the importance of competency-based assessments for determining experiential readiness.
  • Describe effective remediation strategies for students with poor performance on competency based assessments.
Team Time 2 (coffee available)

Teams discuss and develop action plans for implementation of initiatives at their institution related to:

  1. Incorporating AI.
  2. Creating a Preceptor Development Program.
  3. Developing Competencybased Assessments..

Participants can choose from the following activities:

  • Complete work from team time 1
  • Discuss with colleague
Plenary Session 6 - Explore the use of Artificial Intelligence By Academic Staff - Timothy Aungst

Description: This session will involve hands-on examples on the use of AI in an academic environment. Attendees should bring a device that can be used to participate in the hands-on activities.

Session objectives:

  • Explain ways AI is being used in academia.
  • Determine ethical considerations of using AI in academia.
  • Develop policies and procedures around ethical use of AI use at your home institution.
Putting it all Together: Closing Remarks and Wrap-up
Teams present their plans for implementing actions developed at the workshop.

Call for Poster Abstracts

8th Regional Faculty Development Workshop

Contemporary Topics in Pharmacy Education

January 10-11, 2025
Dubai Pharmacy College for Girls
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Participants of the workshop are invited to submit a poster abstract to be displayed during the Faculty Development Workshop. No formal presentation will be required, but there will be an opportunity to present a very brief overview of your poster (a micro-presentation in 5-10 minutes or less). Participants will be able to review posters and network with other participants throughout the program during breaks. We believe that the poster session will be idea generating and help to identify collaboration opportunities between institutions.

The January 10-11, 2025, Faculty Development Workshop theme will be “Contemporary Topics in Pharmacy Education.” Programs are encouraged to consider one of the workshop topics for their poster submissions, but other topics will also be considered by the abstract reviewers. Each poster should focus on one theme only, but colleges can present multiple posters, each addressing a different theme.

  1. 1. Providing preceptor development activities
  2. 2. Ensuring quality in experiential education
  3. 3. Use of competency-based assessment tools
  4. 4. Using artificial intelligence in pharmacy education

Please submit a PDF of your abstract formatted as directed below using the SUBMISSION FORM by no later than October 30, 2024. Authors may submit abstracts for presentations or posters that have been presented at another meeting within the last year but are asked to format the abstract according to the guidelines below.
If you have questions email Dawn Zarembski at ACPE.

The abstract(s) should contain no more than 250 words and should briefly describe the components of your poster. All abstracts should include a title, list one of the above categories that will be addressed (if applicable), followed by your description. There are no other specific requirements regarding abstract formatting. All abstracts that are well aligned with the overall theme of the workshop will be accepted; you will be notified by December 1, 2024. School posters will be displayed on both days at the 8th Regional Faculty Development Workshop. If notified of acceptance, further instructions on the poster specifications will be provided with the acceptance notification.

If you have any questions regarding abstract submissions, please contact Dawn Zarembski at ACPE.

We look forward to your submission!

Call for Abstracts for Short Oral Presentations

8th Regional Faculty Development Workshop

Contemporary Topics in Pharmacy Education

January 10-11, 2025
Dubai Pharmacy College for Girls
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

As a component of the Faculty Development Workshop, three (3) programs will be invited to make a short oral presentation (regional mini-presentation). The presentation should be aligned with the main themes of this workshop, including experiential education, use of artificial intelligence in pharmacy education, and use of competency-based assessments. One program will present on Day 1 and two on Day 2 of the workshop. We invite your program to submit an abstract to be considered for one of the regional mini-presentations.

Submission Instructions:

Submission Instructions: Please submit a PDF of your abstract formatted as directed below using SUBMISSION FORM by no later than October 30, 2024. Authors may submit abstracts for presentations or posters that have been presented at another meeting within the last year but are asked to format the abstract according to the guidelines below. If you have questions email Dawn Zarembski at ACPE.

Contents of Submission:

Authors (with credentials and affiliations) (indicate which author will make the presentation – limit to only one presenter due to the brief presentation time) Objective(s)
Brief overview of the aspect of pharmacy education you will highlight

The total combined word count must not exceed 300 words (excluding title and authors).
Only the submitting author will receive notification of acceptance or rejection after the review process is completed (December 1, 2024). It is the responsibility of the submitting author to communicate this decision to any co-authors. The presenting author must be registered for the workshop before December 13, 2024, and a draft presentation submitted by December 20, 2024, for the presentation to be confirmed.


Speakers should plan to provide a 20-minute presentation with 10 minutes for Q&A. A PowerPoint template will be provided for the presentations and the workshop organizers reserve the right to limit the number of slides in the presentation. The recommended number of slides (excluding the title slide) is ± 12.

Meeting registration and attendance is required for all presenters.

Contact Us

Our Location

Dubai Pharmacy College for Girls,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Location Map