College Council

The College Council oversees the day-to-day academic, administrative, and operational functions of the College. It is dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of educational excellence and institutional effectiveness.

The College Council is constituted by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and includes the following members:

The Dean of the College.
The Dean of the College (Chairperson)
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs
Graduate Program Director
Heads of the Departments
Head of the Institutional Effectiveness Unit
Heads of Core Functional Units

The Dean serves as the Chairperson of the College Council and may invite additional individuals to meetings if their expertise is deemed necessary. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and the Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs are responsible for coordinating the invitations for Council meetings.


The College Council meets at least four times per academic year or more frequently as required by the Chairperson or upon request by two-thirds of its members.