Dubai Pharmacy College Students Orientation ahead of their Community Pharmacy Training

On May 31, 2024, Dubai Pharmacy College conducted an orientation for year two pharmacy students preparing for their community pharmacy training. The highlight of the session was the presentation delivered by Dr. Bana, representing the Aster Pharmacy Group.

Dr. Bana provided practical tips and guidance on how students can make the most of their Community Pharmacy training at Aster Pharmacy locations. She gave them essential tips about professionalism, effective communication skills, and a proactive approach to learning. Students were encouraged to utilize observation time wisely, ask thoughtful questions, and actively participate in daily pharmacy activities

The event featured insightful advice from experienced senior students. The senior student speakers were Ms. Jumana, Ms. Marwa, and Ms. Rahma, who shared their firsthand experiences and tips to help the new cohort of students make the most of their community pharmacy training. They covered practical matters like professional dress codes and communication with pharmacists and patients.

Events like this, which combine peer mentorship and expert guidance, are instrumental in helping pharmacy students transition smoothly into training.

The highlight of the session was the interactive group discussions facilitated by the Pharmacy Practice Experience coordinator (Dr. Ammar) and Students.

Dr. Ammar led interactive group discussions to clarify any outstanding questions about the community pharmacy training program. This allowed the 2nd year students to get a comprehensive understanding of what to expect and how to be well prepared.

A special thank you to Dr. Bana and Aster Pharmacy Group for their partnership in training our pharmacy students.
