WALK for DIABETES - Sweat over Sweet

The Public Health (PH) Committee of DPCSU-IPSF organized a walk on 13 November in Muhaisnah Park, Dubai to mark the World Diabetes Day, with the goal of spreading awareness about diabetes in the month. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, amputation, heart disease, kidney failure and early death. Simple action can reduce the risk. DPC community including the students and staff all decked up in blue set off to the park to take morning walk.
The members of the Public Health committee arranged a few pit stops along the jogging track to spread the message of “Sweat over Sweet”, which was inspired by IPSF-Indonesia. Badges with the message were designed by the DPCSU – IPSF Media and Publications Committee and distributed to all the participants. Further to this healthy eating habit were encouraged by providing the participants with water, fresh seasonal fruits and nuts. The Treasurer Committee arranged a selfie spot for all the participants. Ms, Banan Lulu (4th year BPharm student) gave the DPC community some yoga lessons which stimulated the staff members to join hands. Prof. Dr. Mirza Baig (Professor and Head, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapeutics) volunteered to demonstrate few yoga postures.
Following this there was a health awareness camp set with the help of Al Hayat Pharmacy, Sebamed, Abbott Nutrition, DermaDent Medical Centre and Thumbay Clinic to provide the community free health checkups such as blood sugar, blood pressure, dental and dermatology. In addition, we had the opportunity to perform the Oligoscan which was arranged at a reduced price.
We would love to express our special thanks to Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmed Khan, Dean of DPCG, for supporting us, as well as Dr. Rana Sammour, Head of Student Affairs, for encouraging and supervising us.
Report compiled by: Faizah Nazeer Hussain (Chairperson, DPCSU – IPSF Public Health Committee and BPharm 3rd Year)