
  • Customer Testimonails

    I got my greatest support through my education at DPC from our Dean Prof.Khan Saeed who gave me self-confidence and was as if a real father with his kindness and advices and humanity and humility and who made my dreams become true with his encouragement.

    Sultana Essa Omar Ali Bin Haider ,
    (Class of 2018) Judicial police officer
  • Customer Testimonails

    DPC was very help-fulfill in each stage of my life and supported me with help and encouragement, and this supporting is continued until now with my PHD studying. My advice is to work hard, live your life, enjoy what you are doing, respect and appreciate your teaching faculty.

    Saba Mohsen Mohamed Mohamed
    (Class of 2002) Head of Pharmacy Department, Armed Forces – UAE
  • Customer Testimonails

    Always got the support especially from our Dean Prof. Khan Saeed. Follow your dream, take the chance for experience, learn more about opportunities with pharmacy career, meet people, build your profile and educate yourself.

    Najiba Ahmed Issa Mohammed
    (Class of 2003) Professionals Regulatory Affairs - Dubai Hospital