Internal Exam Contents

Subject name Biology
Test duration 75 minutes
No. Of questions 50 MCQs on LMS ( computer based exam)
Section 1: From molecules to living organisms: Structure and function.
1. Distinguish between the four major categories of carbon compounds in terms of composition, energy values, and primary functions in the body.
2.  Explain the role and effect of enzymes in the chemical reactions carried out in living organisms.
3.  Identify and summarize the major cellular processes of breaking energy-rich molecules to
obtain energy.
4.  Demonstrate a good understanding of handling and using the light microscope for examination
purposes, and compare with electron microscope in terms of resolution, magnification and use.
5.  Important points for description of any Plant.
6.  Morphology and histology of different plant organs
7.  Characters of Xerophytes
Section 2: Heredity and Genetic technology
1.  Cell growth and division in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell
2.  Protein Synthesis- transcription, post-transcriptional modifications and translation, and relate
these processes to gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
3.  Genetic code
4.  Genetic variations & Modes of Inheritance
5.  Genetic engineering in medicine, industry and agriculture
Section 3: Evolution and diversity
1.  early concepts of evolution
2.  processes of microevolution and its mechanisms
Section 4: ecology and environmental sustainability
1.  ecological concepts
2.  food chains
3.  impact of human activities on the environment
Subject name Chemistry
Test Duration 75 minutes
No. of questions 50 MCQs on LMS( computer based exam)
-     Meaning of what is chemistry and what is its scope/Scientific process/Classification of matter/Changes of matter
-     Units of measurement and conversion between them/Sources of errors and uncertainty in measurements.
-     Atomic theories/Atomic structure/Atomic spectra and their applications/Atomic composition
-     Periodic table and how elements properties determined based on their locations/Periodicity
-     Volume, temperature, pressure, and amount of a gas/Relationships among the four quantities of a gas and their calculations
-     Characteristics of solutions/Factors affecting solubility/Properties of solutions (qualitatively and quantitively)
-      Electronic composition of the carbon atom/Diversity of organic compounds in terms of shape, size and chemical and physical properties.
-     Classifications of organic compounds in terms of functional groups/ Types of organic reactions and their applications
-     Ionic, polar, and nonpolar covalent bonds/Shapes of molecules/The concept of the mole and its applications (stoichiometry)
-     Percent composition of a compound/ Empirical and molecular formulas of a compound/Percent yield
-     Acids and bases (strong and weak)/ The concept and use of pH scale
-     The concept of neutralization (titration)/Common ion effect, buffer solutions and solubility
-     Meaning of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions and activity series/ Redox reactions to produce electricity and manufacture electrolytic and galvanic cells.
-     Factors affecting the reaction rate/Chemical equilibrium.
-     Energy change take place during the chemical reactions or/ and physical changes/Hess's law and how it can be used to predict the occurrence of the chemical reaction.
Subject name Mathematics
Test duration 120 minutes
No. Of questions 50 MCQs on LMS(computer based exam), with calculator
Section 1: Introduction to Algebra
1.  Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials, Use polynomial identities to solve problems
2. Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning, Solve systems of equations, Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically
3. Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context, Analyze functions using different representations, Build new functions from existing functions
4. Perform operations with complex numbers, Perform operations on vectors, Perform operations on matrices and use matrices in applications, Solve problems with limits, solve basic differentiation problems, Solve basic integration problems
Section 2: Geometry
1.  Understand and apply theorems about circles and two dimensional figures
2.  Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles,
Section 3: Statistics
1.  Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single variable, categorical and quantitative variables,
2.  Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments and observational studies, understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data
3.  Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model, Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions
Subject name Physics
Test duration 75 minutes
Test description Computer-based exam with multiple-choice questions
Each question carries one mark.
No penalties for incorrect responses
All questions to be attempted
No. Of questions MCQ – 65 questions [50 should be selected randomly]
50 total (5 questions from each chapter)
Chapter 1: Electric Charges and Fields
Chapter 2: Current Electricity
Chapter 3: Moving Charges and Magnetism
Chapter 4: Magnetism and Matter
Chapter 5: Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 6: Wave Optics
Chapter 7: Atoms
Chapter 8: Nuclei
Chapter 9: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Simple Circuits
Chapter 10: State of Matter